Starting with Florence + The Machine. If you know them than I guess you understand, if you don't you are really missing something in your life..
Shake It Out (the video is just as amazing)
No Light, No Light
Second Noah And The Whale. I discovered them two years ago and I have been hooked to their music ever since. If you like them equally you should definately download the album First Days Of Spring, the ways that the song just form a whole is just so amazing. Sometimes I can't even hear when one song starts and another ends.
Blue Skies,
this song always picks you up when you are feeling down.
A great way for me to find new music is by watching my al time favourite TV show, Gossip Girl. Many of my favourite artist I discovered trough GG. Those artists involving the XX. With their new album out for a few weeks now they are getting more and more publicity here in Holland. But I still feel like they are not know enough. Especially since I noticed that a lot of their music is used by other artist such as Shakira and Rihanna.
This one was used by Rihanna
Not only TV shows but also movies are a great way to find good music by new and upcoming artists. 500 Days of Summer helped me find this band. Their name is The Temper Trap.
Soldier On.
To top off this list I am bringing you Kings Of Leon. I am sure that most of you know them and that is just because they truly rock. Now here is a good way to end this post.
Sex On Fire.
Music is just one of those things that can make life a little better. When you're feeling down there is nothing like a good tune to pick yourself up again. I hope you enjoy the artists mentioned above.
What kind of music do you guys listen to?
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