Thursday, September 27, 2012

Drive ON

Trying to picture myself behind the wheel..

I will be having my first ever driving lesson tomorrow and I am totally freaking out! Seriously, all of my friends keep telling me that driving is just fun and relaxing an I thought that it wouldn't be such a big deal. But now that I know that the day is almost here I am starting to get really nervous. In an attempt to cool myself down a bit I googled "first driving lesson". People mostly said that it was a bit scary at first but once you get the hang of it you are going to be fine. So let's hope for the best. Here's to driving without injuring people (or the car).

1 comment:

  1. Supervet nien! Dan ben jij de volgende keer de bob als we in amsterdam gaan stappen, dan hoeven we tenmise geen KLUISJE meer op het station in de nacht, haha grapje! Hoop dat ik je vanavond zie en anders binnenkort weer! Leuke posts maak je! Liefss
